Over the last week some new arrivals landed on my doorstep - books of course!

The Last Duel by Eric Jager - finally have my own copy of this must read book of "crime, scandal & trial by combat in medieval France".
Margaret Beaufort by Elizabeth Norton on the "mother of the Tudor Dynasty".
Catherine de Medici by Leonie Frieda - have loved this book of Catherine for some time.
Dairmait, King of Leinster by Nicholas Furlong - on the protagonist of the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland.
Queen Margaret of Scotland by Eileen Dunlop.
The Borgias by Christopher Hibbert - one of my favourite renaissance families.
Peace-Weavers & Shield Maidens: Women in Early English Society by Kathleen Herbert.
The Trial of Gilles de Rais by Georges Bataille - one of my favourite medieval villains.
Much reading planned - providing I don't spend the rest of the day ordering more books!