In some historical fiction, famous events appear from points of view not recorded in history, showing historical figures dealing with actual events while depicting them in a way that is not recorded in history. Other times, the historical event or time period complements a story's narrative, forming a framework and background for the characters' lives. Sometimes, historical fiction can be for the most part true, but the names of people and places have been in some way altered. For the sake of definition, I have included novels set up to the 1950s.
Victor Aaron
Memoirs Of Conspiracy
James Aitcheson
The Harrowing
Edoardo Albert
Edwin: High King of Britain (The Northumbrian Thrones #1)
Oswald: Return of the King (The Northumbrian Thrones, #2)
Oswiu: King of Kings (The Northumbrian Thrones #3)
Grea Alexander
Amarna Book I: Book of Ida
Amarna Book II: Book of Hawara
Amarna Book III: Book of Raia
Piers Alexander
The Bitter Trade
Vanessa Alexander
The Love Knot
Christine Ambrosius
A Pinch of Nutmeg
Valerie Anand
King of the Wood (Norman Quartet, #4)
Laura Anderson
The Boleyn King (The Boleyn Trilogy, #1)
Poul Anderson
The Last Viking Trilogy:
The Golden Horn, The Road of the Sea Horse, and The Sign of the Raven
Iris Anthony
The Ruins of Lace
Aileen Armitage
The Tudor Sisters
Dan Armstrong
The Eyes of Archimedes
Terri Arthur
Fatal Decision: Edith Cavell WWI Nurse
Jayne Lindsay Ashford
The Woman on the Orient Express
Melissa Ashley
The Birdman's Wife
Mike Ashley
The Mammoth Book of Historical Detectives
The Mammoth Book of New Historical Whodunits
KM Ashman
A Wounded Realm (The Blood of Kings #2)
The Warrior Princess (The Blood of Kings #4)
Elizabeth Ashworth
The Lady of Haigh
Jean M Auel
The Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children, #1)
Fiona Kai Avery
The Crown Rose
Margaret Ball
Duchess of Aquitaine: A Novel of Eleanor
Autumn Bardot
The Emperor's Assassin
Sandra Julian Barker
The Frenchman
Louis Bayard
The Black Tower
Tania Bayard
In the Presence of Evil (A Christine de Pizan Mystery Book 1)
n the Shadow of the Enemy (Christine De Pizan Mystery #2)
In the Company of Fools (Christine De Pizan Mystery #3)
Albrecht Behmel
The Stronghold: A gripping historical adventure
Frans G Bengtsson
The Long Ships: A Saga of the Viking Age
James R Benn
The Devouring (Billy Boyle World War II, #12)
Mary Bennett
Jane Shore
Vanorra Bennett
Blood Royal
The People's Queen
Nancy Bilyeau
The Chalice (Joanna Stafford, #2)
Stewart Binns
Derek Birks
Feud (Rebels & Brothers 1)
Benjamin Black
Prague Nights
Samuel Black
The Ground Is Burning
Dylan Blacklock
RD Blackmore
Lorna Doone
Richard Blake
The Curse of Babylon (Aelric, #6)
Kim Taylor Blakemore
The Companion
Moonyeen Blakely
The Assassin's Wife
Christopher Bland
Nancy Blanton
The Earl in Black Armor
David Blixt
Her Majesty's Will
The Master of Verona (Star-Cross'd #1)
Colossus: Stone and Steel
DL Bogdan
The Forgotten Queen (Tudor Court #4)
Rolfe Boldrewood
Robbery Under Arms
Robert Bolt
A Man For All Seasons
Alma H Bond
Lady Macbeth: On the Couch
Jane Borodale
The Book of Fires
Fabrice Bourland
The Baker Street Phantom
The Dream Killer of Paris
Marjorie Bowen
Sarah Bower
Sins of the House of Borgia
The Needle in the Blood
Geoff Boxell
Woden's Wolf
Patricia Bracewell
Shadow on the Crown (The Emma of Normandy Trilogy #1)
Barbara Taylor Bradford
A Woman of Substance
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Lady of Avalon (Avalon, #3)
Priestess of Avalon (Avalon, #4)
The Firebrand
Benet Brandreth
The Assassin of Verona (William Shakespeare Thriller #2)
Chad Brecher
The Lost Book of Wonders
Jean Briggs
The Flame of the Borgias
Geraldine Brooks
Years of Wonder
Karen Brooks
The Locksmith's Daughter
Ray Bryant
Warriors Of The Dragon Gold
Pearl S Buck
Pavilion of Women
Christopher Buckley
The Judge Hunter
David Bunn
The Pilgrim
Anthony Burgess
A Dead man In Deptford
Douglas A Burton
Far Away Bird
Margarat Butler
The Lion of England
Dino Buzzati
The Tartar Steppe
Lord Byron
Don Juan
Rachel Caine
Prince of Shadows
Christian Cameron
The Ill-Made Knight (Chivalry, #1)
The Long Sword (Chivalry, #2)
The Green Count (Chivalry #3)
Margaret Campbell Barnes
The King's Bed
Emma Campion
A Triple Knot
Albert Camus
The Plague
Victor Canning
The Crimson Chalice
Patrick Carleton
Under the Hog
SA Carney
Granada Gold
Philippa Carr
The Miracle at St. Bruno's (Daughters of England, #1)
Clare Carson
The Canary Keeper
Ellen Carsta
The Draper's Daughter
Miguel de Cervantes
Don Quixote
Elizabeth Chadwick
The Winter Mantle
The Greatest Knight
The Scarlet Lion
Karen Charlton
The Heiress of Linn Hagh (Detective Lavender Mysteries, #1)
Suzy McKee Charnas
The Unicorn Tapestry
Geoffrey Chaucer
The Canterbury Tales
Tracey Chevalier
Girl with a Pearl Earring
The Lady and the Unicorn
Annelisa Christensen
The Popish Midwife
Alex Christie
Gutenberg's Apprentice
David Churchill
Devil (Leopards of Normandy #1)
Duke (Leopards of Normandy #2)
Conqueror (Leopards of Normandy #3)
Alys Clare
The Devil's Cup (Hawkenlye Mysteries, #17)
Cassandra Clark
The Hour of the Fox
Marcus Clarke
For the term of His Natural Life
John Cleland
Fanny Hill
Rory Clements
Martyr (John Shakespeare, #1)
Alfredo Colitto
Evan S Connell
Deus Lo Volt!: A Chronicle of the Crusades
Joseph Conrad
Lord Jim
Lexie Conyngham
Tomb for an Eagle (Orkneyinga Murders, #1)
James Fenimore Cooper
The Last of the Mohicans
Eleanor Cooney & Daniel Altieri
The Lion Court
Gary Corby
Death on Delos (The Athenian Mysteries, #7)
Nicola Cornick
The Phantom Tree
Major Victor Cornwall
Scoundrels: The Hunt for Hansclapp
Bernard Cornwell
The Flame Bearer (The Last Kingdom, #10)
Laurel Corona
The Four Seasons: A Novel of Vivaldi's Venice
Joanna Courtney
The Constant Queen (Queens of Conquest #2)
Glenn Craney
The Spider and the Stone: A Novel of Scotland’s Black Douglas
John Edward Crocket
A Knight's Tale
Alexandra Curry
The Courtesan: A Heartbreaking Historical Epic of Loss, Loyalty and Love
Vincent Czyz
The Christos Mosaic
Richard Dale
Murder in St Paul's: Justice and Vengeance in Tudor London
Vasant Dave
Trade Winds To Meluhha
Fiona Davis
The Dollhouse
Michael Dax
The Powder Treason
Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe
Moll Flanders
Eleanor de Jong
RF Delderfield
A Horseman Riding By
Reinaldo DelValle
The Valentine Circle (A Silas de San Michel Mystery #1)
Laurie Devine
Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol
Frank Dickens
Act of Treason
Paul Doherty
The Templar (Templars, #1)
The Death of a King
Dark Queen Waiting (Margaret Beaufort Mystery #2)
Satan in St Mary's (Hugh Corbett, #1)
The Crown in Darkness (Hugh Corbett, #2)
Spy in Chancery (Hugh Corbett, #3)
The Prince of Darkness (Hugh Corbett, #5)
Corpse Candle (Hugh Corbett, #13)
The Nightingale Gallery (Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan, #1)
The House of the Red Slayer (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan, #2)
The Field of Blood (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan #9)
The Mansions of Murder (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan #18)
The Hangman's Hymn (Stories told on Pilgrimage from London to Canterbury, #5)
Denise Domning
Season of the Raven (Servant of the Crown Mystery, #1)
Season of the Fox (Servant of the Crown Mystery, #2)
Lost Innocents (Servant of the Crown Mystery, #3)
Angus Donald
Blood's Game (Holcraft Blood, #1)
Blood's Revolution (Holcroft Blood, #2)
Blood's Campaign (Holcroft Blood, #3)
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir Nigel and the White Company
The White Company
The Lost World (Professor Challenger, #1)
Maurice Druon
The Iron King
The Strangled Queen
The Poisoned Crown
The Royal Succession
The She-Wolf
The Lily and the Lion
The King Without A Kingdom
Daniel Duffield
Niall and the Irish Pirates
Stella Duffy
The Purple Shroud (Empress Theodora, #2)
Alfred Duggan
Count Bohemond
God & My Right
Ann Dukthas
In the Time of the Poisoned Queen (Nicholas Segalla, #4)
Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers (The D'Artagnan Romances, #1)
The Red Sphinx: A Sequel to The Three Musketeers
Celebrated Crimes, Vol. I: The Borgias And The Cenci
The Borgias
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Man in the Iron Mask (The D'Artagnan Romances, #3.4)
Queen Margot, or Marguerite de Valois (The Last Valois, #1)
The Prince of Thieves (Tales of Robin Hood by Alexandre Dumas #1)
Sarah Dunant
In the Name of the Family
In the Company of the Courtesan
Blood & Beauty
JS Dunn
Bending the Boyne: A Novel of Ancient Ireland
Wendy J Dunn
The Light in the Labyrinth
Lawrence Durrell
Pope Joan
Umberto Eco
The Name of the Rose
Rhoda Edwards
Fortune's Wheel
Peter Elbling
The Food Taster
Christy English
To Be Queen: A Novel of the Early Life of Eleanor of Aquitaine
The Queen's Pawn
Michael Ennis
The Malice of Fortune
Per Olave Enquist
The Royal Physician's Visit
Carolly Erickson
The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots
Barbara Erskine
Child of the Phoenix
Lady of Hay
Kingdom of Shadows
The Warrior's Princess
Daughters of Fire
Sleeper's Castle
River of Destiny
Woldram von Eschenbach
Karen Essex
Kleopatra (Kleopatra, #1)
Pharaoh (Kleopatra, #2)
Leonardo's Swans
Jemahl Evans
The Last Roundhead (Blandford Candy, #1)
This Deceitful Light (Blandford Candy, #2)
MJL Evans
No Quarter: Dominium - The Complete Series
Anna Faktorovich
The Great Love of Queen Margaret (The Wars of the Undying, #1)
Ildefonso Falcones
Cathedral of the Sea
Margarete Von Falkensee
Blue Angel Secrets
Richard Falkirk
Blackstone's Fancy
Beau Blackstone
Blackstone and the Scourge of Europe
Blackstone Underground
Blackstone on Broadway
James R. Farr
A Tale of Two Murders: Passion and Power in Seventeenth-Century France
Robert Farrington
The Killing of Richard III (Henry Morane, #1)
Tudor Agent (Henry Morane, #2)
The Traitors of Bosworth (Henry Morane, #3)
John Faunce
Lucrezia Borgia
Jessica Fellowes
The Mitford Murders (Mitford Murders #1)
Bright Young Dead (The Mitford Murders #2)
The Mitford Scandal (Mitford Murders #3)
Marc Fernandez
Mala Vida: A Novel
Mick Finlay
Arrowood (Arrowood #1)
The Murder Pit (Arrowood, #2)
Arrowood & the Thames Corpses (Arrowood #3)
Patricia Finney
Firedrake's Eye (David Becket and Simon Ames, #1)
Unicorn's Blood (David Becket and Simon Ames, #2)
Gloriana's Torch (David Becket and Simon Ames, #3)
Mary Frances Fisher
Paradox Forged in Blood
F Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary
Ian Fleming
Casino Royale (James Bond, #1)
Eric Flint
1636: The Vatican Sanction
Ken Follett
The Pillars of the Earth (Kingsbridge, #1)
World Without End (Kingsbridge, #2)
A Column of Fire (Kingsbridge, #3)
Ford Madox Ford
The Fifth Queen
James Forrester
Sacred Treason
Jonathan Forth
Sir Humphrey's Last Stand
John Fowles
The French Lieutenant's Woman
June Francis
Beloved Abductor
Ariana Franklin
The Winter Siege
Mistress of the Art of Death (Mistress of the Art of Death, #1)
The Serpent's Tale (Mistress of the Art of Death, #2)
Grave Goods (Mistress of the Art of Death, #3)
A Murderous Procession (Mistress of the Art of Death, #4)
The Assassin's Prayer (Mistress of the Art of Death, #4)
George MacDonald Fraser
The Reavers
The Pyrates
R Austin Freeman
The Best Dr. Thorndyke Detective Stories
Meelis Friedenthal
The Willow King
Andrew Gaddes
Those Who Go by Night
Nicole Galland
Revenge of the Rose
Laurien Gardner
Plain Jane: A Novel of Jane Seymour
Elizabeth Garrett
The Sweet Trade
George Garrett
Entered From The Sun: The Murder Of Marlowe
Ginger Garrett
Reign: The Chronicles Of Queen Jezebel (Lost Loves of the Bible #3)
Catherine Gaskin
Sara Dane
Rozsa Gaston
Anne and Louis: Rulers and Lovers
Margaret George
The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers
The Memoirs of Cleopatra
Helen of Troy
Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles
David Gilman
Gate of the Dead (Master of War, #3)
Kathleen Givens
Rivals for the Crown (Highland, #2)
The Last of the Mohicans
Eleanor Cooney & Daniel Altieri
The Lion Court
Gary Corby
Death on Delos (The Athenian Mysteries, #7)
Nicola Cornick
The Phantom Tree
Major Victor Cornwall
Scoundrels: The Hunt for Hansclapp
Bernard Cornwell
The Flame Bearer (The Last Kingdom, #10)
Laurel Corona
The Four Seasons: A Novel of Vivaldi's Venice
Joanna Courtney
The Constant Queen (Queens of Conquest #2)
Glenn Craney
The Spider and the Stone: A Novel of Scotland’s Black Douglas
John Edward Crocket
A Knight's Tale
Alexandra Curry
The Courtesan: A Heartbreaking Historical Epic of Loss, Loyalty and Love
Vincent Czyz
The Christos Mosaic
Richard Dale
Murder in St Paul's: Justice and Vengeance in Tudor London
Vasant Dave
Trade Winds To Meluhha
Fiona Davis
The Dollhouse
Michael Dax
The Powder Treason
Daniel Defoe
Robinson Crusoe
Moll Flanders
Eleanor de Jong
RF Delderfield
A Horseman Riding By
Reinaldo DelValle
The Valentine Circle (A Silas de San Michel Mystery #1)
Laurie Devine
Charles Dickens
A Christmas Carol
Frank Dickens
Act of Treason
Paul Doherty
The Templar (Templars, #1)
The Death of a King
Dark Queen Waiting (Margaret Beaufort Mystery #2)
Satan in St Mary's (Hugh Corbett, #1)
The Crown in Darkness (Hugh Corbett, #2)
Spy in Chancery (Hugh Corbett, #3)
The Prince of Darkness (Hugh Corbett, #5)
Corpse Candle (Hugh Corbett, #13)
The Nightingale Gallery (Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan, #1)
The House of the Red Slayer (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan, #2)
The Field of Blood (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan #9)
The Mansions of Murder (The Sorrowful Mysteries of Brother Athelstan #18)
The Hangman's Hymn (Stories told on Pilgrimage from London to Canterbury, #5)
Denise Domning
Season of the Raven (Servant of the Crown Mystery, #1)
Season of the Fox (Servant of the Crown Mystery, #2)
Lost Innocents (Servant of the Crown Mystery, #3)
Angus Donald
Blood's Game (Holcraft Blood, #1)
Blood's Revolution (Holcroft Blood, #2)
Blood's Campaign (Holcroft Blood, #3)
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sir Nigel and the White Company
The White Company
The Lost World (Professor Challenger, #1)
Maurice Druon
The Iron King
The Strangled Queen
The Poisoned Crown
The Royal Succession
The She-Wolf
The Lily and the Lion
The King Without A Kingdom
Daniel Duffield
Niall and the Irish Pirates
Stella Duffy
The Purple Shroud (Empress Theodora, #2)
Alfred Duggan
Count Bohemond
God & My Right
Ann Dukthas
In the Time of the Poisoned Queen (Nicholas Segalla, #4)
Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers (The D'Artagnan Romances, #1)
The Red Sphinx: A Sequel to The Three Musketeers
Celebrated Crimes, Vol. I: The Borgias And The Cenci
The Borgias
The Count of Monte Cristo
The Man in the Iron Mask (The D'Artagnan Romances, #3.4)
Queen Margot, or Marguerite de Valois (The Last Valois, #1)
The Prince of Thieves (Tales of Robin Hood by Alexandre Dumas #1)
Sarah Dunant
In the Name of the Family
In the Company of the Courtesan
Blood & Beauty
JS Dunn
Bending the Boyne: A Novel of Ancient Ireland
Wendy J Dunn
The Light in the Labyrinth
Lawrence Durrell
Pope Joan
Umberto Eco
The Name of the Rose
Rhoda Edwards
Fortune's Wheel
Peter Elbling
The Food Taster
Christy English
To Be Queen: A Novel of the Early Life of Eleanor of Aquitaine
The Queen's Pawn
Michael Ennis
The Malice of Fortune
Per Olave Enquist
The Royal Physician's Visit
Carolly Erickson
The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots
Barbara Erskine
Child of the Phoenix
Lady of Hay
Kingdom of Shadows
The Warrior's Princess
Daughters of Fire
Sleeper's Castle
River of Destiny
Woldram von Eschenbach
Karen Essex
Kleopatra (Kleopatra, #1)
Pharaoh (Kleopatra, #2)
Leonardo's Swans
Jemahl Evans
The Last Roundhead (Blandford Candy, #1)
This Deceitful Light (Blandford Candy, #2)
MJL Evans
No Quarter: Dominium - The Complete Series
Anna Faktorovich
The Great Love of Queen Margaret (The Wars of the Undying, #1)
Ildefonso Falcones
Cathedral of the Sea
Margarete Von Falkensee
Blue Angel Secrets
Richard Falkirk
Blackstone's Fancy
Beau Blackstone
Blackstone and the Scourge of Europe
Blackstone Underground
Blackstone on Broadway
James R. Farr
A Tale of Two Murders: Passion and Power in Seventeenth-Century France
Robert Farrington
The Killing of Richard III (Henry Morane, #1)
Tudor Agent (Henry Morane, #2)
The Traitors of Bosworth (Henry Morane, #3)
John Faunce
Lucrezia Borgia
Jessica Fellowes
The Mitford Murders (Mitford Murders #1)
Bright Young Dead (The Mitford Murders #2)
The Mitford Scandal (Mitford Murders #3)
Marc Fernandez
Mala Vida: A Novel
Mick Finlay
Arrowood (Arrowood #1)
The Murder Pit (Arrowood, #2)
Arrowood & the Thames Corpses (Arrowood #3)
Patricia Finney
Firedrake's Eye (David Becket and Simon Ames, #1)
Unicorn's Blood (David Becket and Simon Ames, #2)
Gloriana's Torch (David Becket and Simon Ames, #3)
Mary Frances Fisher
Paradox Forged in Blood
F Scott Fitzgerald
The Great Gatsby
Gustave Flaubert
Madame Bovary
Ian Fleming
Casino Royale (James Bond, #1)
Eric Flint
1636: The Vatican Sanction
Ken Follett
The Pillars of the Earth (Kingsbridge, #1)
World Without End (Kingsbridge, #2)
A Column of Fire (Kingsbridge, #3)
Ford Madox Ford
The Fifth Queen
James Forrester
Sacred Treason
Jonathan Forth
Sir Humphrey's Last Stand
John Fowles
The French Lieutenant's Woman
June Francis
Beloved Abductor
Ariana Franklin
The Winter Siege
Mistress of the Art of Death (Mistress of the Art of Death, #1)
The Serpent's Tale (Mistress of the Art of Death, #2)
Grave Goods (Mistress of the Art of Death, #3)
A Murderous Procession (Mistress of the Art of Death, #4)
The Assassin's Prayer (Mistress of the Art of Death, #4)
George MacDonald Fraser
The Reavers
The Pyrates
R Austin Freeman
The Best Dr. Thorndyke Detective Stories
Meelis Friedenthal
The Willow King
Andrew Gaddes
Those Who Go by Night
Nicole Galland
Revenge of the Rose
Laurien Gardner
Plain Jane: A Novel of Jane Seymour
Elizabeth Garrett
The Sweet Trade
George Garrett
Entered From The Sun: The Murder Of Marlowe
Ginger Garrett
Reign: The Chronicles Of Queen Jezebel (Lost Loves of the Bible #3)
Catherine Gaskin
Sara Dane
Rozsa Gaston
Anne and Louis: Rulers and Lovers
Margaret George
The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers
The Memoirs of Cleopatra
Helen of Troy
Mary Queen of Scotland and the Isles
David Gilman
Gate of the Dead (Master of War, #3)
Kathleen Givens
Rivals for the Crown (Highland, #2)
Rumer Godden
Black Narcissus
Alan Gold
Alan Gold
Oliver Goldsmith
She Stoops to Conquer
Adrian Goldsworthy
Vindolanda (Vindolanda #1)
Anne Golon
Angelique and the King
CW Gortner
The Last Queen
The Vatican Princess: A Novel of Lucrezia Borgia
Hitoshi Goto
The Labyrinth of the Scriptorium
Luke Gracias
The Devil's Prayer
Posie Graeme-Evans
The Innocent
David Grann
The Devil & Sherlock Holmes: Tales of Murder, Madness & Obsession
Robert Graves
I, Claudius (Claudius, #1)
Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina (Claudius, #2)
Clio Gray
Legacy of the Lynx
Deadly Prospects (Scottish Mysteries, Book 1)
Burning Secrets (Scottish Mysteries #2)
Thomas Greanias
The Chiron Confession (Dominium Dei, #1)
Nigel Green
The King's Dogge: The Story of Francis Lovell
Roger Lancelyn Green
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Kerry Greenwood
Medea (Delphic Women, #1)
Philippa Gregory
The White Queen
The Red Queen
The Kingmaker's Daughter
The White Princess
The King's Curse
The Lady of the Rivers
The Other Boleyn Girl
Three Sisters, Three Queens
Susanna Gregory -
A Plague On Both Your Houses
An Unholy Alliance
Victoria Grossack
Jocasta: The Mother-Wife of Oedipus
Stephen Grundy
Attila's Treasure
Geoffrey Gudgion
Saxon's Bane
Jan Guillou
The Road to Jerusalem (The Knight Templar, #1)
The Templar Knight (The Crusades Trilogy, #2)
The Kingdom at the End of the Road (The Crusades Trilogy, #3)
Robert van Gulik
Adrian Goldsworthy
Vindolanda (Vindolanda #1)
Anne Golon
Angelique and the King
CW Gortner
The Last Queen
The Vatican Princess: A Novel of Lucrezia Borgia
Hitoshi Goto
The Labyrinth of the Scriptorium
Luke Gracias
The Devil's Prayer
Posie Graeme-Evans
The Innocent
David Grann
The Devil & Sherlock Holmes: Tales of Murder, Madness & Obsession
Robert Graves
I, Claudius (Claudius, #1)
Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina (Claudius, #2)
Clio Gray
Legacy of the Lynx
Deadly Prospects (Scottish Mysteries, Book 1)
Burning Secrets (Scottish Mysteries #2)
Thomas Greanias
The Chiron Confession (Dominium Dei, #1)
Nigel Green
The King's Dogge: The Story of Francis Lovell
Roger Lancelyn Green
The Adventures of Robin Hood
Kerry Greenwood
Medea (Delphic Women, #1)
Philippa Gregory
The White Queen
The Red Queen
The Kingmaker's Daughter
The White Princess
The King's Curse
The Lady of the Rivers
The Other Boleyn Girl
Three Sisters, Three Queens
Susanna Gregory -
A Plague On Both Your Houses
An Unholy Alliance
Victoria Grossack
Jocasta: The Mother-Wife of Oedipus
Stephen Grundy
Attila's Treasure
Geoffrey Gudgion
Saxon's Bane
Jan Guillou
The Road to Jerusalem (The Knight Templar, #1)
The Templar Knight (The Crusades Trilogy, #2)
The Kingdom at the End of the Road (The Crusades Trilogy, #3)
Robert van Gulik
Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee (Judge Dee #1)
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