Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Slavery in Early Mediaeval England from the Reign of Alfred until the Twelfth Century by David A.E. Pelteret

This important study seeks to assemble the evidence, drawn from a variety of sources in Old English and Latin, to convey a picture of slaves and slavery in England, viewed against the background of English society as a whole.

Slaves were part of the fabric of English society throughout the Anglo-Saxon era and the twelfth century, but as the base of the social pyramid, they have left no known written records; there are, however, extensive references to them throughout the documents and writings of the period. 

This important study seeks to assemble the evidence, drawn from a variety of sources in Old English and Latin, to convey a picture of slaves and slavery in England, viewed against the background of English society as a whole. An extensive appendix on the vernacular terminology of slavery reveals the concepts of enslavement to be embedded in the religious imagery of the period.

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