Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A Few Thoughts and Speculations on the State of Irish Crime Fiction

From CrimeReads:
Generally speaking, while American mystery writers tend to make the Irish lists on a regular basis, British ones do not. We can speculate on the reasons, among which may be a certain unconscious Irish resistance, based on our complicated history with our nearest geographical neighbour, to embracing British police officers—even fictional ones—as entirely trustworthy figures when it comes to issues of law and justice. Escapism may also play a part, Britain being rather too close, and too familiar, to permit it.

The model of Irish mystery fiction that has emerged in recent years is almost entirely female. I think I may be the only Irish male mystery writer to make the Irish bestseller lists, in part because I’ve been knocking around for a while, but also, perhaps, because I don’t write about Ireland.

read more here from author John ConnollyCrimeReads

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