Sunday, October 7, 2018

Historical Fiction - Albigensian Crusades Series - Order By Fire

The Apostles of Satan (Ordeal by Fire) (Volume 1)The Apostles of Satan by F Scott Kimmich
Caught up in the turbulent politics in the land of the Troubadours at the beginning of the 13th century, Olivier de Mazan discovers a secret that could change history. At the same time, corruption in the Roman Church and the subsequent rise of heresy has set off a chain of events that pits Olivier and his countrymen against crusaders from the North in a cruel war that threatens an entire civilization and is fought against the background of a long struggle between the dynasties of the Capets and the Plantagenets. The power-hungry prelate in charge of the Crusade seethes over papal restraints to his insatiable ambition, and schemes to gain control of Olivier's secret, stopping at nothing, not even murder, to get it. While Olivier battles to defend his country, he finds he must also protect his family from the ruthless churchman and his crusading minions. 

The Fiery Furnace (Ordeal by Fire) (Volume 2)The Fiery Furnace by F Scott Kimmich
It is 1234, and heretic Olivier de Mazan possesses a secret that makes him a prime target of the Inquisitions secular thugs. At the same time, Count Raimond of Toulouse and Queen Blanche of France are using the boudoir to pursue the policies of their respective dynasties. Oliviers grandsons Odon and Rainier come of age fighting the French usurpers at the side of Robin Hoods son, a veteran mercenary. Along the way, the lovely performer Huguetta steals Odons heart, and Rainier loses his own to Miranda, who embodies Oliviers secret. In contrast, Count Raimond risks a rupture with Blanche by attempting to save his dynasty via strategic marriages and consequently delays rescuing his subjects trapped in the mountain fastness of Montsgur, Mount Secure. In this continuing saga, a Cathar family embarks on an epic struggle as they discover their true heritage, embrace their faith, and learn what it means to make the ultimate sacrifice.

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