Whilst looking for something totally unrelated, I happened upon a familiar series of naval related fiction - the Hornblower series. Naval fiction is not something that I am overly familiar with - though I will preface this by saying that I did enjoy the Hornblower TV series (with Ioan Gruffudd) and had seen Master and Commander (with Russell Crowe).
Which, quite naturally, got me thinking - how many other series were out there? So here is a brief selection for you to begin your own high seas adventures!
Horatio Honblower by CS Forester
Horatio Hornblower is a fictional Napoleonic War-era Royal Navy officer who is the protagonist of a series of novels by C. S. Forester. He was later the subject of films, radio and television programs, and C. Northcote Parkinson elaborated a definitive biography.

Master & Commander by Patrick O'Brian
Master and Commander is a nautical historical novel by the English author Patrick O'Brian, first published in 1969 in the US and 1970 in UK. The book proved to be the start of the 20-novel Aubrey-Maturin series, set largely in the era of the Napoleonic Wars, that O'Brian continued working on up until his death in 2000.

see also: The Ships of Jack Aubrey and Jack Aubrey's World
The Bolitho novels are a series of nautical war novels written by Douglas Reeman (using the pseudonym Alexander Kent). They focus on the military careers of Richard Bolitho and later, his nephew Adam Bolitho in the Royal Navy, from the time of the American Revolution past the Napoleonic Era. (Source: Wikipedia)
see also: Fiction DB for full list of titles and also Books Series In Order
Matthew Quinton Journals by JD Davies
The series of nine novels centre on the adventures of Captain Matthew Quinton, one of the young "gentlemen captains" promoted by King Charles II of England despite their almost complete lack of experience of the sea.

But now Quinton must face an unruly crew, suspicions of murder, stirrings of conspiracy and the angry seas. Will treason be found in Scotland… or is it lurking closer to home?
The final book - Ensign Royal - ias a rip-roaring historical novella, set four years before Gentleman Captain. Matthew Quinton, eighteen years old and an ensign in the Royalist Army in exile, is sent by his older brother the Earl of Ravensden into the heart of Oliver Cromwell’s England. Surrounded by enemies, he soon becomes tangled in a dark web of conspiracy…
see also: Goodreads and Historic Naval Fiction
Fighting Sail Series by Alaric Bond
The ‘Fighting Sail’ Series gives an insight into the world of the seamen and naval officers who fought during the Revolutionary War, a chance to experience an exciting period of history, to view the men and the ships, and sample the extremes of life at sea. (Source: Alaric Bond's website)
His "Fighting Sail" series of novels, set during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, differ slightly from the standard formula of the "hero who becomes an admiral". Instead they chart the course of several characters, from both lower deck and commissioned ranks, and give a dramatic and authentic insight into life aboard a man of war during the age of sail.
see also: Historical Naval Fiction and Goodreads
Bliven Putnam Naval Series by James Haley

see also: James Haley's website and Goodreads
Revolution at Sea Saga by James Nelson

see also: Historic Naval Fiction and Goodreads
Nathan Peake Series by Seth Hunter
A prisoner or a Philadelphia dandy, a wild beast, a gypsy, a seafarer, a pied piper, a sorcerer and a magician...

see more @ Goodreads and Nathan Peake website
Alan Lewrie Naval Adventures by Dewey Lambdin

read more @ Macmillan Publishers and Goodreads
Lord Ramage by Dudley Pope

see more @ Nicholas Ramage and Goodreads
Adventures of Charles Hayden by S Thomas Russell

Born to an English father and a French mother, Lieutenant Charles Saunders Hayden's career is damned by his mixed heritage. Assigned to the HMS Themis, an aging frigate under the command of a captain reviled by his crew for both his brutality towards his men and his cowardice in battle, Hayden is torn between honor and duty, as the British navy engages the French in a centuries-old struggle for power.
Kydd Sea Adventures by Julian Stockwin